BUTWAL: Works of the under-construction the Gautam Buddha International Airport have been halted after necessary electrical equipment and skilled workers were stopped abroad due to lockdown.
The project has stated that the remaining works will be completed within two months of the arrival of construction materials and manpower at Bhairahawa, media reports said on Sunday.
Chief of Gautam Buddha Airport Construction Project Prabesh Adhikari said that preparations are being made to make the airport ready for takeoff and landings within two months.
Runway light fixtures and conveyor belts of the baggage handling system are the main equipment left to arrived, while 95 percent of equipment has arrived already.
Even if Nepali technicians can connect equipment like light fixtures, technicians have to come from abroad to connect conveyor belts.
The problem now is to bring the rest of the equipment and workers stopped abroad. For that, international flights and land routes or sea routes need to be open, says the project chief.