JUMLA: The local levels in Jumla district are having hard time managing quarantine after a surge in the number of people returning home from India. It is said about a hundred people are coming to the district daily since last few days.
Moreover, the local levels are faced with a shortage of quarantines to accommodate the increasing number of people. The integrated quarantine at Karnali Technical School, the quarantine at Durga Secondary School at Lamra, the Saraswoti Secondary School quarantine at Kudari and the Kudari Secondary School quarantine at Raralihi are already filled with people. Six hundred and thirty people are kept in these quarantines at present.
District Public Health Office chief Krishna Sapkota said the local levels are gearing up for managing additional quarantine facilities.
“It is the responsibility of the local levels to set up the quarantine. Our job is to provide security at these quarantines, which we have been doing,” said Officiating Chief District Officer, Om Prakash Devkota.
According to him, the locals are objecting to setting up additional quarantines at various places in the district, fearing the risk of spread of COVID-19 in their locality.