Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

Prescriptions for making a prosperous Nepal

As a continuation of my first article on the theme of a prosperous Nepal, this write-up shall further explain on concrete factors that need to be worked in restoring the health of the country. Or I want express more on my “Deca Da and Penta Niet model” of nation building. This article is limited to deal in details of my model. Therefore, I shall first introduce the major points.

I have already discussed some points of Decda Da (in Greek meaning ten yes) in my previous article. The ten things that we should focus on for the speedy development of the nation are: transportation, electrification, agriculture, herbal processing, tourism, industry sector, a smart bureaucracy, a completely reformed legal system, information and technology based education system and access of health to all.

Similarly, Penta Niet in Greek means five no. Those are: Over politicization of education, over politicization of health sector, over bureaucracy, over politicization of security forces and over politicization of judiciary. That means the state should free these sectors from being politicized.

At present, Nepal suffers seriously due to the politicization of five domains of public significance: education, health, civil service, security, and judiciary. These five domains have become chronic due to over politicized modus operandi. Nepal needs a visionary leadership strong enough to purge these domains from dirty politics.

First of all, political parties should reach a consensus in devising and implementing a system of good governance to regulate these domains.

But prior to this, we need to be familiar with some tangible and intangible foundations of the country. The country is built on the foundation of intangible elements: religion, language, culture, security, and civilization. Unfortunately, some foreign enemies in connivance with some national brokers have systematically and in a planned way started attacking our religion, language, culture, and civilization. The attack on these four elements started after the political change in 1990 and continued to intensify gradually.

This has been affected mostly in the name of religion; the targets being four tangible elements namely: population, security (especially army) and leadership. These four tangible elements will become much stronger only if the four intangible elements are protected from foreign attacks. Foreign diplomatic missions in Nepal are deliberately encroaching on our national integrity attempting to create division among our 126 indigenous ethnic groups through propaganda. Attempts are also made to penetrate into the national army. Finally, political leadership is being paralyzed alluring party leaders with monetary as well as other benefits depending on their individual interests.

Political leaders must commit themselves to protect our tangible and intangible elements at all cost. First, we need to identify the enemies within. Political leaders should first correct themselves through soul searching. They need to purge their party ridding it of cadres who are suffused with a vested interest and are disloyal towards the country and its people. Secondly, the state should purge bureaucracy from corrupt officials who are least concerned about the welfare of people or betterment of the nation.

Most importantly, we cannot heap all the blame on the leaders alone. It is the duty of all citizens to remain alert on political anomalies and raise voice against malpractices either by politicians or government officials. That is to say, we need an independent civil society not aligned to any party and that is committed to nothing else except the national interest.

In reifying my discussion as of yet, I now want to mention about three pillars that can safeguard four tangible and intangible elements. The three pillars are party leaders, press and intellectual community. Once these three pillars stand mighty with a harmonious relationship with each other, no foreign power can cause damage to the nation. If anyone of these three pillars deviates from honesty, credibility, and responsibility, the nation will suffer.

In recent history, political leadership headed towards gradual decline since 1990 mass movement. Prior to the mass movement, political leadership seemed committed towards the people and nation. It had vowed to change the fate of Nepal from a developing country to a developed country. However, post-1990 the leadership got indulged into money-making and in shameless acts of corruption. Eventually, politics infiltrated into every sector ruining the intellectual community as well. Press (journalists) and intellectual community (comprising of the professors and lawyers), rather than working as the watchdog and instead of timely intervention of the unfortunate incidents unfolding in the political sphere, vouched loyalty to political parties.

Rather than pointing out the faults committed by political leadership, much of the energy of the press is spent in covering sensational reports on glamour, crime, and sex.

As for the professors, they use orthodox teaching methods citing the same old texts for decades. They too have become mere party cadres. The situation has become such toxic that promotion of a professor is withheld no matter how genius he/she is unless one pledges loyalty to a political party.

Therefore, first and foremost, these three pillars acting as the foundation of the nation should grow healthy and vibrant.

The author is the Professor at the Central Department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Khabarhub’s editorial stance.

Publish Date : 15 February 2019 10:35 AM

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