Pain is an unpleasant sensation and emotional experience linked to tissue damage. Its purpose is to allow the body to react and prevent further tissue damage.
We are fortunate to have access to several kinds of over-the-counter pain relievers, because daily life comes with bumps, bruises, and aches. Sometimes chronic conditions like arthritis, sciatica, or spinal stenosis can be behind the pain. Our first instinct is usually to reach for some acetaminophen (Tylenol), Motrin (ibuprofen), or naproxen (Aleve). They all do the trick.
These 7 best homemade natural remedies are effective and come with virtually no dangerous side effects.
1. Turmeric
2. Willow Bark
3. Epsom Salt
4. Bone Broth
5. Cloves
6. Comfrey Extract
7. Heat And Ice