KATHMANDU: First pictures taken by Nepal’s first satellite NepaliSat-1 have been made public. The pictures were made public by the BIRDS-3 Project on Saturday.
Two pictures show Sri Lanka, one shows Earth as seen by the camera onboard NepaliSat-1 while it was over Japan and one picture was taken as the nanosatellite tried to capture the Sun at the first attempt. The nanosatellite is equipped with a five megapixels camera.

The nanosatellite was released into orbit from the Kibo Module of the International Space Station (ISS) on June 17. It was in the ISS since one and half month before it was released into the Earth’s orbit.
The nanosatellite weighing 1.3 kilos was launched from the Virginia Space’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in the United States on April 17.
