IT is top priority: Finance Minister Pun « Khabarhub
Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

IT is top priority: Finance Minister Pun

15 June 2024  

Time taken to read : 3 Minute

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LALITPUR: Finance Minister Barsha Man Pun has stated that the government has prioritized policy stability and infrastructural progress to develop and expand information technology (IT).

Speaking at the ‘National AI Conference, 2081,’ organized by the Digital Media Foundation today, Minister Pun shared that the government has introduced an ambitious plan through the new budget to advance IT significantly.

“The government has announced a decade of investment in IT, emphasizing its importance. This sector has the potential to create 1.5 million new jobs and generate Rs 30 billion in exports over the next ten years,” he noted, assuring that the government would maintain consistent tax policies for the next five years.

He also mentioned that each province would have an IT park, with the Kathmandu Valley alone housing ten such facilities.

Businesses operating in these IT parks will not be charged for the first three years.

Furthermore, Minister Pun acknowledged that while artificial intelligence (AI) poses significant challenges to human civilization, it can also be seen as a new stage in the industrial revolution.

“There is widespread concern about AI. The challenge lies in ensuring that this technology benefits humanity,” he said, adding, “However, technology is crucial for human convenience and progress.”

He warned that Nepal would lag behind if it does not adopt modern IT, including AI.

At the same event, AI expert Dr. Bibek Poudel emphasized the important role IT and AI could play in implementing government policies.

He explained, “AI can be used in infrastructure construction, agriculture, service delivery, health, and education to achieve significant results. Additionally, AI is essential for economic growth and employment generation.”

Prabesh Subedi, President of the Digital Media Foundation, expressed concerns about the weak state of IT development in Nepal.

He highlighted the need for an environment conducive to international competition in IT.

An AI-powered platform, ChatGPT, welcomed the participants and provided an overview of the program’s objectives.

The platform also welcomed the Finance Minister and other guests at the event.

Mass communication scholar Dr. Bhanubhakta Acharya noted that the use of AI could enhance human capacity.

Similarly, Shiva Gaunle, former President of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists, discussed the potential for AI usage in journalism, including fact-checking.


Publish Date : 15 June 2024 15:20 PM

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