
Weather: Rainfall likely in hilly regions for next three days

By Khabarhub

January 18, 2024

KATHMANDU: The Weather Forecasting Division has predicted a likelihood of light rain in hilly regions of the country today, with some hilly areas having experienced sporadic showers over the past few days.

Currently, the country is under the partial influence of westerly winds.

There is a potential for light snowfall in isolated locations within the high hills and Himalayan regions of Koshi, Bagmati, Gandaki, and Karnali provinces today, according to the Division.

As of Thursday morning, heavy fog and mist prevail in most areas of Terai Madhesh.

The Division has urged people to exercise caution due to the adverse effects that haze and fog may have on daily life, health, transportation, and air traffic in Terai today.