
NEPSE witnesses double digit decline on Monday

By Khabarhub

April 15, 2024

KATHMANDU: On the second trading day of the new year 2081, the stock market experienced a decline on Monday.

The Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) index dropped by 16.82 points today, closing at 2006.52 points, compared to the previous year.

Shares of all sectors witnessed a decrease today, particularly in the production, hotel, and insurance sectors.

Gurans Microfinance and Dolti Power Company shares hit the negative circuit by 10 percent.

Despite the overall market decline, shares of Machhapuchchhre Debencher 2087 and Menchhiyam Hydropower Company increased by more than seven percent.

Transactions worth Rs 2.79 billion were conducted for 7,223,000 shares of 314 companies today.

The highest transaction was observed in the shares of Ngyadi Group Power Company, amounting to Rs 177.3 million.