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No ministers can speak against federalism: PM Dahal

By Khabarhub

January 24, 2023

KATHMANDU: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has made it clear that no one will be allowed to sit in the Council of Ministers and speak against federalism and democratic republic.

Addressing the National Assembly meeting on Tuesday, Prime Minister Dahal urged all ministers to abide by the spirit of the Constitution.

He interpreted the speech against federalism and republic state as the violation of the Constitution and added that the government would seek clarification from the ministers if they undervalue such issues.

“The issues like federalism and republic state are included in the Constitution as the issues raised by the people’s movement, the constitution has institutionalized them; none can go against it,” the Prime Minister said, adding, “Any act against such issues are subject to clarifications.”

Prime Minister Dahal remarked that the coalition partners can speak their agenda while going to the public; however, the cabinet members cannot speak against the spirit of the Constitution.

The ruling coalition comprises various political parties ranging from the supporters of monarchy to the protestors against federalism.