
17th Edition of ‘Suryakiran’: Nepal-India Joint Military Exercise set to commence in India from Friday


November 22, 2023


17th Edition of ‘Suryakiran’: Nepal-India Joint Military Exercise set to commence in India from Friday

Participants of 16th edition of Suryakiran, Nepal India Military Exercise/File photo.

KATHMANDU: The 17th edition of the collaborative military exercise ‘Suryakiran’ between the Nepali Army and the Indian Army is scheduled to take place in India starting this Friday, November 24.

Held as a bilateral Joint Military Exercise, this session will be conducted in Uttarakhand’s Pithoragarh region and will run until December 5.

This ongoing tradition of joint military exercises has seen alternating locations between Nepal and India since its inception in 2011. The previous 16th edition was successfully conducted last December at the Nepali Army Battle School in Saljhandi, Rupandehi.

During these exercises, the armed forces of both nations engage in practical applications of counter-insurgency, counter-terrorism tactics, forest operations, and disaster management. The exercise emphasizes the exchange of theoretical, practical, and specialized experiences between the Nepali Army and the Indian Army.