Minister for Education, Science, and Technology Krishna Gopal Shrestha speaks after inaugurating a meeting hall constructed at Balkhu, Kathmandu Metropolitan City-14. (Photo: RSS)


PM Oli cautions Education Minister Shrestha for latter’s ‘indecent’ behavior

By Khabarhub

June 29, 2021

KATHMANDU: Prime Minister KP Oli has cautioned Education, Science and Technology Minister Krishna Gopal Shrestha for his alleged support to Saraswati Pradhan, who was detained for racial discrimination. 

At a press conference organized in the Ministry of Women Children and Senior Citizen on Tuesday, Minister Lilanath Shrestha, said that it was indecent for the person in authority to enforce law and order to get involved in the instances of caste-based discrimination. 

He informed that the prime minister has already cautioned Education Minister for the latter’s role in the incident. 

Education Minister Shrestha has been widely criticized in social media and the public for facilitating in the release of Saraswati Pradhan, the landlord allegedly denying journalist Rupa Sunar just because she revealed she was born in a so-called low caste. 

Police had held Pradhan, the homeowner of Kathmandu Babarmahal after getting complaint against her. 

However, 3 days later, Minister Shrestha had reached at the police station for Pradhan’s release and had given her lift in his own vehicle.