Metropolitan Traffic Police Division (File Photo)


17 traffic police personnel honored for integrity, four sacked

By Khabarhub

September 22, 2020

KATHMANDU: The Metropolitan Traffic Police Division (MTPD) here today felicitated a total of 17 traffic police for their professional integrity.

The erring driver and assistant drivers had attempted to bribe them but they brought those erring ones to the book instead and had demonstrated the highest moral conduct.

MTPD chief SSP Bhim Prasad Dhakal honored them with shawl and appreciation letters. SSP Dhakal also lauded their fiscal integrity. Earlier, 50 such traffic personnel were feted.

The MTPD had also taken action against 77 traffic personnel of various ranks for their activities that were against the organization’s rules and regulations while four of them were sacked from their job, it was shared.