新华社照片,北京,2019年1月11日 嫦娥四号任务圆满成功 这是玉兔二号巡视器全景相机对嫦娥四号着陆器成像。 1月11日下午,嫦娥四号着陆器与玉兔二号巡视器工作正常,在“鹊桥”中继星支持下顺利完成互拍,地面接收图像清晰完好,中外科学载荷工作正常,探测数据有效下传,搭载科学实验项目顺利开展,达到工程既定目标,标志着嫦娥四号任务圆满成功。至此,中国探月工程取得“五战五捷”。 新华社发(国家航天局供图)

India & China

China’s Chang’e-5 mission lands on the moon

By Khabarhub

December 02, 2020

BEIJING: China’s robotic Chang’e-5 mission touched down a short while ago with the aim of collecting samples of rock and dust to bring back to Earth, BBC reported.

The venture has targeted Mons Rümker, a high volcanic complex in a nearside region known as Oceanus Procellarum.

The lander is expected to spend the next couple of days examining its surroundings and gathering up surface materials.

It has a number of instruments to facilitate this, including a camera, spectrometer, radar, a scoop and a drill.

The intention is to package about 2kg of “soil”, or regolith, to send up to an orbiting vehicle that can then transport the samples to Earth.

It’s 44 years since this was last achieved. That was the Soviet Luna 24 mission, which picked up just under 200g.

(With inputs from Agencies)