
Natural cough remedies

By Khabarhub

December 22, 2019

People try a different range of natural remedies to treat a persistent cough. Let’s look at some remedies.

Honey tea

According to research, honey helps to relieve coughs.

Mix 2 teaspoons with warm water or herbal tea. Drink the mixture twice or thrice a day. However, do not give honey to children under 1-year of age.


Ginger also helps to ease a dry or asthmatic cough. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties.

The anti-inflammatory compounds found in ginger help to relax membranes in the airways thus reducing coughing.

Brew up ginger tea by adding 20 to 40 grams of fresh ginger slices to a cup of hot water. Add honey to improve the taste.


Staying hydrated is important for people with a cough or cold.

Hot beverages include clear broths, warm water, herbal teas, decaffeinated black tea, etc.


A wet cough may improve with steam. Taking a hot shower can also be one of the remedies.

Likewise, make a steam bowl. Fill a large bowl with hot water, and add herbs or essential oils like eucalyptus or rosemary, which relieves decongestion. Lean over the bowl by placing a towel over the head. Inhale the vapors for around 5 minutes.

Marshmallow root (Bojo in Nepali)

Marshmallow root is an herb that treats coughs and sore throats. The herb eases irritation because of its mucilage content.

Salt-water gargle

This remedy is one of the most effective means to treat a sore throat and a wet cough.

Saltwater helps to reduce phlegm and mucus in the throat.

However, do not give saltwater to children as swallowing salt water can be dangerous. (Agencies)